New Plans in the Works


Jason and I have been busy making changes to the website. We’re hoping it’ll be friendlier to navigate.

I am working with a gentleman named Nick Neely, drummer. He has put together a band for us to perform Carol King covers. You can listen to “Too Late” here. The performance includes songs from her Tapestry album. He has also offered to record Flip McGuire and I singing some of our duets.

In March, I plan to do a show at Whetstone Recreation Center. I’ll be singing hits of Barbra Streisand. Flip McGuire will be joining me to sing some of her duets.

Additionally, Z, the guitarist from the Rick Brunetto band and I are getting together to discuss possibly performing together. He also knows some pianists/keyboardist to help fill in the sound.

I’m going to be getting my charts together so I can hire musicians to back me and I plan on taking my shows public (outside of Senior Communities). I will continue to do my Senior Communities tour, but will be getting more exposure.

Thanks for following my web page. Follow me on Facebook for more news.


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