Hi Everyone,
Had the best time at the 94th last night. Rick had me in the set again. He had me down for L-O-V-E, Unforgettable and Paper Moon in the second set and People in the 3rd set. I got a recording of me singing L-O-V-E and a partial of me singing Unforgettable…. my memory ran out on my camera. š Seems like it never fails, it’s either the battery or the memory. So we recorded People on my phone. They are not the best quality, as they are recorded live.

Chaz’s Website
I also got to dance a Swing, a Cha Cha and a Fox Trot. How fun was that? And I got to meet a gentleman by the name of Chaz Mechenbeir who is a guitarist. He said he performed recently with the Back Porch Swing Band… It’s a small world.
Just for fun I wrote some lyrics for Angelo. He is looking for people to write him some Sinatra type songs. He said he liked my lyrics and had me give them to Rick to see if he could write a melody for them. So who knows, could be fun to hear a song I wrote lyrics to.
Going to try to get my cover page printed and copied tomorrow and get them mailed out this weekend.
Thanks for all your support,