What I’ve Been Up To Lately

No real exciting news right now, as far as my career. Rick and Angelo and I are still trying to put a list of songs together for me for his show in November.

I asked TJ George if he could write a Sinatra type song for Angelo. He has been working on two, I’m excited to hear what they sound like. I’ll be meeting with him this week. And hopefully get to see Angelo some time soon.

I made up some flyers for Rick to promote his band at the 94th on Thursday nights. If you get a chance on Thursday nights come out… the atmosphere for the 94th is a lot of fun… decorated as an old WW II Cantina in France complete with bomb damage. Lots of fun things to read and look at on the walls and when Rick’s band plays the old 40’s tunes it’s just completes it all. Not to mention you can watch the planes land and take off. You don’t have to be a dancer to enjoy the evening.

I hope you’re all doing well. Even though nothing is happening for me right now, I’m enjoying making new friends and introducing them to each other.


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